It is virtually impossible to achieve optimum health
without some form of detoxification and cleansing program. Remember
optimum health has nothing to do with medication; that is the band aide
approach that mainly seeks to silence your body's feedback system. I
believe that anyone with an ounce of common sense can see that clearly.
But the abundance of media advertising and years of "medical"
brainwashing has got many people wired to reach for medicines as the
first line of defense rather than a last resort.
Alkaline water ionizers
are an incredible resource for over all cleansing. Negatively charged
alkaline water is one of he most
ways of removing acid wastes build up in the tissues. These acid
waste are stored in areas away from the blood so that the slight
alkalinity of the blood can be maintained. The body does this to keep us
alive because the blood must remain alkaline at all cost. However as
these acids that are not removed from the body continue to accumulate in
our bodies they create a multitude of problems. These tissue acids are
the underling cause of degenerative diseases. Some experts believe they
create an environment is devoid of oxygen. Cells that don't die off
struggle to survive by mutating into cells that have more plant like
characteristics and survive on acids like carbon dioxide instead of
oxygen. Their DNA malfunctions and they don't remember to stop growing.
Doctors call these cells cancer cells. This acidic environment is also
said to be a breading ground for pathogens of all kinds. These are some
of the reasons that it is important to hastily remove acid waste from
our tissues and nothing is more up to the task than alkaline water.
Cleaning the colon is the greatest importance, but many people
don't get it. Our colon cleansing products such as
Dr. Schulze's
Intestinal Formula #1 and
pHion Colon Cleanse
are designed to cause the muscles in the small and large intestines to
contract. This is one of the most important factor in removing
accumulated fecal mater. People carry around several pounds of fecal
mater daily, and their doctors would not even tell them to or hoe to get
rid of this stuff. They give them medicines instead. This is stupid.
Cleanse your gut my friend.
Dr. Shulze's Formula #2
packs a clay like substance onto the walls of your intestines which sits
there and start the process of pulling and sucking toxins out of you.
This is the one two punch.
Herb Pharm Herbal Extracts
and Tonics.
There is a problem with parasites in this country that the medical
does not seem to be addressing. Here you will find
Herb Pharm Herbal Extracts
that will have your most loved worms looking for a new apartment outside
of your body. For the past 25 years I have never had to take a flue
vaccine of any kind and I don't plan to any time soon. Our Goldenseal
and Echinacea Herbal Extracts from Herb Pharm and Dr. Schulze's American
Botanical Pharmacy provide a powerful boost to the immune system to
keep the influenza bug at bay. These herbs also deliver powerful tonics
to give husband and wives energy to play together at the end of long
work days.
Far Infrared technology
has become an important cleansing tool. We were not aware of the
benefits of far infrared until
had a visitor that told us how he used his FIR mat to reduce his visits
to the dialysis center from three visits a week to two visits a week.
The man is on the road to restoring the full functioning of his organs
by natural means. I am inspired by him. We have a wide array of Far
Infrared products that are effective and economically priced.
Autism and other debilitating brain diseases are on the rise but no one
is looking at heavy metal overload. Some say the problem
with vaccines, and they could be right. Do you know what's in vaccines?
Mercury. Its in your tooth fillings also and in the fish you have eaten
all your life. The problems of heavy metal detoxification cannot be
Bio-Chelat heavy metal therapy and
Acupeds Detox Foot
pads are up to the task of combating this problem.
Herbal Extracts
Far Infrared
WaveShield Cellphone Radiation Protection
Heavy Metal
Detox Foot Pads